1. What is a community development trust?
Development trusts are about active citizens coming together to address local issues creatively using self-help, trading for social purpose and ownership of buildings and land to bring about long-term social, economic, and environmental benefits in their community. Development trusts:
- Operate in both rural and urban areas, often in neighbourhoods which have experienced the worst economic decline.
- Are independent, but work with the public sector, private businesses and with other community groups.
- Are community ‘anchor’ organisations, delivering services and facilities, finding solutions to local problems, and helping other organisations and initiatives succeed.
- Create wealth in communities – and keep it there
2. What does the Community Council do and why is this different from a community development trust?
Scottish Community Councils date from 1976, when they were established after the Local Government Act of 1973. Community Councils are elected by the community. The remit of Community Councils is to give communities a voice. Community Councillors are not engaged in party politics- they act on behalf of the community.
3. Is the CDT a charity?
There is no standard organisational form for a development trust. Most register as a ‘company limited by guarantee’ with charitable aims and many have trading subsidiaries
4. How do I become involved?
Fill in our questionnaire on our website or send us an email fossowaycdt@gmail.com
5. What does a member do?
Members volunteer their time to engage with the community, identify and manage projects and can run future enterprises that are an outcome of the chosen projects.
Normally there are 3 types of members
- Ordinary (voting) membership for individuals 16 or over who are resident in the area, support the objects of the development trust and are registered to vote in local elections.
- Associate (non-voting) membership for organisations and for individuals that support the development trust but do not live in the area.
- Junior (non-voting) membership for individuals 12-15 years old
6. Is there a membership fee?
We are proposing a nominal joining fee of £5
7. What time would be involved in being a member?
Initially we are looking for 2 hrs a month to support the steering group in engaging with our community. As we start projects then members can choose to volunteer more time supporting their chosen projects
8. Are members liable for anything?
No. Neither member nor office bearers will hold any personal liability.
9. Can anyone become a member?
Yes, anyone can be an ordinary or junior member if they live in the Fossoway and District Community – see map
10. How are the Board chosen?
The Board are nominated and elected by the members
11. How are community projects chosen?
A list of community projects will be developed by engagement of members with the community and then projects voted for by the members.
12. How does the CDT get funding?
The CDT raises funds through grant applications and fundraising for projects. There is an expectation that on completion projects are self-funding and can contribute funds back to the CDT to fund future projects.