Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 1900 hours, Elizabeth Wilkie Hall, Crook of Devon
Councillor Barnacle (Chair), Marion Anness, Nicola Marchant, Rev Liz Stenhouse & Ben Thornber
Trudy Duffy & Jim Pritchard
Subsequent Apology
John Wheatley
Recovering from COVID/Isolation: Dr Alistair Lavery, Cllr Purves
Chair referred to his email of 14/3/22 and what we needed to do to take things forward. He also thanked Rev Liz for the use of the Hall @ no initial cost. We agreed a target of the end of April (now 11th May) to find 3 Board members to act as Directors + 20 members from the Fossoway community prepared to pay £5 per annum per household subscription. Chair and Rev Liz (temporarily) agreed to serve as Directors; Cllr Barnacle was prepared to act as Chair & Treasurer, whilst Nicola was prepared to act as Secretary of an established Trust. We did not discuss whether or not co-opted members who live outwith Fossoway should pay a subscription because they will not have a vote. Chair asked Ben if we had a Constitution prepared and he later confirmed that it was to be a Company Limited by Guarantee, with charitable status to be obtained, which he would circulate. Chair to obtain contact details from Jim of folk interested, also from Marion re Blairingone folk; Chair to email these folk and those from the public meeting on 24/11/21 in attempt to get the required membership, which of course can include the steering group! Chair to send Marion a copy of the Blairingone School Report from the Area committee (done). Ben offered the use of a ‘dormant’ bank a/c to receive initial subs until we are established as a Trust. Nicola to produce an Action Flow Chart for Group. Chair to progress application to Kinross-shire Fund for set-up costs based on budget prepared by Trudy.
Trudy to call a zoom meeting for Wednesday evening 11th May for required directors and members to approve constitution for submission to charity commissioners, unless we feel comfortable with meeting in person, if Church Hall available.