14th Meeting, 20th Feb 2024 19:00-21:30, E. Wilkie Hall, Crook of Devon
Present: Chair/Director – Mike Barnacle (MB), Directors – Marion Anness (MA), Secretary – Nicola Marchant (NM)
Trust Members – Fiona and Harry Black, Angus Cheape (AC), Gordon Dow, Trudy Duffy-Wigman (TDW), Carol Farqhuar, Alistair Lavery, Chris McCaughey, Jim Pritchard (JP), Matthew Rice (MR), Hugh Wallace (HW)
Apologies – Sarah Bruce-Jones, Morgan Erskine, Alan & Janet Harper, Lillah & John Houghton, Tony Lamb (TL), Bryony Malvenan, Diane McMillan, Jane Pelly, George Shand, Ben Thornber (BT), Gillian Vick
Introduction – Mike Barnacle
Welcomed members to the 14th meeting of the FCDT
Minutes of the 15th Nov 2023 were approved
Sadly MB reported that one of our former members, Eric King, has passed away.
Item 1 – Update on Business – Mike Barnacle
We currently have 47 households as members of Trust with 2 outstanding subscriptions.
Bank account currently stands at £213.47. Some monies have been spent to set up website and email. New email is
MB has made an application to Kinross-shire Fund for start-up costs of £1600 and we hope to hear in March if we have been successful. We intend to mailshot all residents in our Community with an aim to raise awareness and increase membership of the Trust.
We have headed notepaper and work is ongoing on logo which will include Rumbling Bridge and Dipper bird.
We still require a Treasurer, Vice Chair and another Director to take over from BT.
Item 2 – Website development and data protection – Jim Pitchard and Matthew Rice
JP is developing the website and has been working closely with MB and NM. Overall theme and layout has been signed off and now we are working on the detail. It will contain lots of photographs done by JP’s father. Aim is for a simple style where people can easily find out information. JP has also been putting together a shared drive that members can use to share and work on documents. Logo as said will incorporate the Rumbling Bridge and the Dipper bird. Likely to be a simple circular logo. This work is being funded by PKC.
MR has been working on a data protection policy. We as a data controller have a duty to properly protect and store members information. Policy will state measures and processes we use people’s data for and how we store it. As a charitable organisation we have legal obligations ie storing members information for 6yrs after they leave, unless requested otherwise by members. This will be in place before the mailshot is delivered. Directors, as data controllers, will need to approve and understand their responsibilities.
MR and JP will work together to ensure website and data protection are compatible.
Currently NM holds an electronic spreadsheet and MB holds a paper copy of members contact details. Any member can be emailed directly if they so desire rather than be included in a group email.
Item 3 – Development and Funding of Community Action Plan (CAP)/Local Place Plan Creation of Working Group & Dates of Initial Events – Nicola Marchant
PKC have approved our external funding request for Community Engagement (£5000) and website design. We are still waiting for confirmation of funding for external consultant to facilitate and support us through the CAP process.
Some of the external engagement funding will be spent on equipment to support meetings and events – laptop, projector, screen etc. If anyone wants to advise on type of equipment please contact NM
To date we have three volunteers for the working group– MB, TDW, and MA we require at least another three volunteers.
CAP Process
- Review and summarise current information – Big Place Conversation, previous surveys.
- Fossoway district household survey – aim for 40% return.
- Stakeholder conversations – approx. 20 meetings
- Obtain community profile from PKC.
- Outcome of survey and stakeholder engagement displayed at a community event.
- Community votes for priority projects
CAP Timeline
- Seek external funding for CAP project from PKC – Nov-Dec 2023
- Engage STAR consultant – March 2024
- Run CAP process – March – July 2024
- Consultant analyses survey results and produces draft CAT report (16-18 pages) for sign off by CDT – August 2024
- LPP produced by CC Sept 2024 and submitted to PKC Dec 2024
We must set up a Facebook page which will require a volunteer to manage. JP has volunteered.
Potential initial engagement dates are 19th March, 20th March and 26th March.
Also propose an event at the Primary School and to partner with Kythe to capture views from our teenagers.
Item 4 – Progress on Blairingone School Business Case and Community Asset Transfer Feasibility Study – Marion Anness
The CC reported back from the Kinross-shire Committee where they received a Verbal update from Service Manager Communities: David Stokoe and Sarah Kimmet
Next step is that they are awaiting the feasibility study from CDT and information on Community Engagement which they understand is in CDT hands.
Committee asked that PKC advise on all funds that could be available to CDT and it was advised that if CDT get quotes from approved suppliers PKC would fund. Please check that with Sarah Kimmet.
We raised issue of Valuations still being outstanding from PKC and Committee requested that PKC officers give an update to confirm that valuations for both sale and lease have been provided.
Committee reiterated that PKC were to make no decisions on disposal of Blairingone School until all avenues with CDT had been pursued and confirmed that it was to remain on Committee Agenda until completed.
MA reported that she reached out to DTAS and we now have a named advisor. The Scottish Land Fund help communities purchase assets but do not fund refurbishment and will help through Stage 1 – feasibility study and then if we then decide we want to lease rather than buy that is acceptable. SLF has around £20m for projects such as this. MA has requested quotes for feasibility study.
We believe that SLF will require their own valuation and may involve a district valuer.
Community Enterprise can offer 4 days free consultancy to help with creating a Business Case.
MA, MB and NM met with PKC officers who have confirmed that PKC have paid and carried out a valuation for purchase and lease and that the house and the school are both on a single Title Deed. MB has informed PKC that we believe they have a duty of care to ensure the building remains watertight.
MA working group have put together a fact sheet on history of the school and what we would like to do with the building. This has been made into a short questionnaire which will be included in the mailshot.
Perthshire advertiser reached out to MB and MA has produced a piece for the newspaper, with a photoshoot planned for the 22nd Feb and publication next week.
Item 5 – Progress on Community Bus – Nicola Marchant
The Kinross-shire Committee noted that the Kinross-shire Active Travel Masterplan has been commissioned and the aim is to have a draft prepared before end of March. (end of financial year) This is to fill the gap left by both Tactran and Sustran which both omitted Kinross-shire in their Plans. Being funded by PKC and conducted by ARUP using same methodology as the Tactran MasterPlan.
Requested input from Stakeholders and Committee requested that these include all Kinross-shire CCs, Fossoway and Cleish Development Trusts, Glenfarg Community Bus and Transport Group.
There is a PKC minibus stationed at the Campus which Drew has been using as a replacement for the old 55 minibuses he had. However, I believe Drew now has five vehicles available to him so the PKC minibus is available for use again. He is strongly urging Fossoway to take up the reins and instigate a Fossoway Community Bus service (trips). To do this, CDT will need an Organiser.
As far as costs are concerned, there needs to be some fundraising. I am unclear whether PKC will fund the running costs, maintenance etc, but TL is fairly sure that they will not fund the training of potential volunteer drivers.
Driver Requirements
- D1 on your licence plus passing the MIDAS training course. If over 70 the D1 element is normally taken off the licence. A medical may also be required.
- Drew has said that for someone over 70, costs may reach £1000 per person. However, he has also said that Glenfarg has some funds which they could be prepared to use to fund a driver or drivers.
Glenfarg organise their drivers as follows:
- For the 55 route, which now runs Kinross to Perth they employ a paid driver.
- In addition Glenfarg have around 18 volunteer drivers for their Community Bus, some of which support the 55 service when a driver is ill, on holiday etc. They are paid to cover the employed driver and any extended hours of the 55 route.
- When a volunteer community driver takes a group out on the Community Bus for a trip (not part of route 55), he/she does so without pay (voluntary),
- but if driving to support the 55 route then the volunteer gets paid (becomes a Bank worker).
If Drew was to help out financially to get one or two of ‘our’ volunteers through training, he may well ask that they avail themselves to support the 55 route, as Bank drivers. That might be a condition.
We are seeking a volunteer from the CDT to lead on this in partnership with the CC and are also seeking prospective volunteer drivers.
Request for lead person to be included in minutes of this meeting.
The CDT agreed they are prepared to have a representative at meetings, currently MB, and aim in the near term to increase our membership and hope that then we can have volunteer drivers.
Item 6 – Progress on the Replacement Bridge Over the River Devon – Mike Barnacle
MB was approached by Trust member Fred Multon (FM) who had been approached by Blairhill Land Ltd. regarding a replacement bridge. The organisation is willing to sell us a Rennie Mackintosh bridge for roughly £50k which they have. The question is where to locate the bridge. MB took the designs to the TRACKS committee hoping this would be a lower cost option. TRACKS report that it will still cost £250k even using this bridge. FM believes there is another option for a location. Propose next step is a further meeting with MB, FM, AC and TRACKS regarding this. TDW asked whether or not SEPA has seen the new proposals as they had many conditions and very specific regulations regarding height and flood risks. PKC would not maintain a bridge the Trust or TRACKS installed. HW said he was prepared to make any introductions that would help move this forward.
Item 7 – Wind Farms – Mike Barnacle
The CC presented the results of the wind farm survey to the Community on the 30th of Jan at Carnbo Village Hall. Results were also presented to the Kinross-shire Committee.
The Committee requested clarification of how PKC would address the 3 proposals when they were being dealt with under separate systems, 2 under Section 36 and ECU and 1 as Planning matter for PKC.
Advised that NPF Policy 4 requires Councils to be cognisant of any other proposed developments in vicinity or locality
Established that ECU can call for a Planning Application to be brought before it or that a Council can refer a Planning Application to ECU where cumulative effect was an issue
MB reported that we are still waiting for a planning application to be submitted to PKC. RSPB has introduced MB to Nicola Ferguson a case officer at ECU. MB will write to ECU to ask how the 3 wind farms will be collectively considered. MB said he was wary of how CC results were interpreted as only 11.7% of residents responded.
MB asked Trust members if they would support the Trust seeking a public inquiry. Results are 9 in support, 3 strongly oppose and 2 abstentions. A MoP has asked MB to hold a public meeting on onshore wind farms in our hill landscapes to be held in Kinross and is still considering this for April.
MB is also still discussing impact on wild geese migration flights. MA stated that she was aware of a concern on impact on beekeepers
Item 8 – AOCB, Date of next meeting – Mike Barnacle
MB has been trying to organise a meeting, since June 2023, in Waulkmill Park with PKC to possibly lease the Park and the area behind the cemetery. He is still waiting for a response. MB has asked Cllr Robertson to intervene. This is extremely frustrating.
Propose in the future after our mailshot we move to annual subscription from a start-up one.
We could organise more social events i.e. Ceilidhs once the membership has been boosted.
We are moving to quarterly meetings so next meeting in May
TDW asked that everyone voted for the Green Living Fund by 1st March. A link is available on the Fossoway CC website. There is £23k available.
It is unfortunate that we didn’t have anything submitted to the Community Investment Fund. Both were discussed in the local action partnership meeting which TDW is a member of and she will provide a link to the Trust. This was supported by members who attended the meeting.