Wednesday 21st July 2021, Via Zoom @ 7.30pm
Mike Barnacle (Chair), Trudy Duffy, Nicola Marchant, Jim Pritchard, Cllr Callum Purves, Rev. Liz Stenhouse.
Marion Anness, John Wheatley.
Chair expressed concern there were only 6 of us and nobody available from sub-group on Constitution. He noted an email he had received from Sandy Morrison resigning from the Group, citing health reasons, querying whether we could get enough community support, ensuring no personal liability for board & members and expressing caution about employing people (which I don’t think we had made a decision on).
Chair noted we had lost 3 members, although with expressions of wishes to help on specific projects. He would make contact with those we have not heard from and produce a new contact list.
Chair agreed to take note of meeting, in absence of a volunteer, with those present agreeing the previous minutes of 26/5/21.
Chair had not yet progressed funding for group, although going forward Callum noted that the Local Action Partnership may assist with assessments by end of September.
It was agreed by all present that, in the absence of sub-group members and light of Sandy’s email, we should concentrate on using the forthcoming Gathering on 4/9/21 as an opportunity to engage with the community and garner support for the Trust, rather than launch it.
Chair noted that Lucy Espeland from DTA had agreed to attend Gathering and there was the possibility of PKC staff support through Karen Evans which he would pursue. Trudy would ask CC to fund a combined stall at Gathering and Chair had requested a map (Trudy suggested A2) from PKC of CC area. We could have a split banner but Chair noted that DTA have stated it must be clear that CC & Trust roles are different.
Nicola had produced a FAQ’s paper which we should be able to answer, although Lucy from DTA can help, if not. Nicola felt she had most answers and would circulate members with same and our vision. She queried if anyone had an easel and Rev Liz thought Church had one.
Rev Liz also had details of Fossoway Parish which she would circulate. Also she queried Primary School involvement and Jim pointed out he was a Parent Council member and noted a previous suggestion that a school staff member should join the Group. He would keep School informed from mid-August of Gathering recruitment stall, Rev Liz is in email contact with over 100 church members and Chair would be featuring work to date on forming Trust in the September edition of the Kinross Newsletter.
It was agreed to hold our next meeting on Wednesday August 25th @ 7.30pm, Virtually, to be called by Callum (Trudy involved with Gathering preparations), in order to finalise stall arrangements.